Competency model professor university: impact on human resources

Автор: Andrienko Alena V., Kalachikova Olga

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Кадровые стратегии вузов

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2016 года.

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Article belongs to the category of the case. Purpose of the article is to present the experience of the Russian high school in the development of tools to assess the effectiveness of staff, on the example of the university lecturers. A competency model can act as such an instrument, which ensures the development of the key personnel of the university. The methodological basis of the study is competence and a systematic approach to management issues in higher education. The methodology of the experiment is based on the use of qualitative research methods, including methods such as: phenomenological description and reconstruction of the precedents of professional experience, focus groups, case-study method. The practical significance of the study is shown in the development of recommendations on the use of lecturers' competency model during staff competitions, certification organization, development of a system of incentives and the introduction of effective contracts. Areas of use of the competency model of lecturers in higher education are not limited with the evaluation of the effectiveness of activities, but also in the design of forms of administrative support in various areas of educational institution strategic development; opportunities to build a career at the University as a lecturer (not only as a lecturer) on the basis of the existing business profile (not just teaching). Results and research materials were the basis of the valuation of the work of university lecturers, performance assessment and activity stimulation system for teaching staff of the university. Proposals made on the basis of research may be used to build the profile of the structural divisions of the university or in the rating of staff. The contribution of the study in the theory and practice of university governance is in creating an effective instrument of forming the tool for effective assessment of the competence level of lecturers in high school. The article is of interest to practitioners of human resource management at the university and researchers in the field of competence approach.


Human resource management, competency model, activities of teachers, assessment of staff, the quality of teacher staff

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142227031

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