Development of organizational and technical solutions to improve the quality of gas engine fuel distribution processes for service productions

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The article is devoted to the current problem of improving resource-saving processes in service industries of industrial enterprises. With the development of the practice of switching industrial vehicles to gas engine fuel, the issue of accounting for supplied gas becomes relevant. The purpose of the article is to develop organizational and technical solutions to improve the quality of gas engine fuel distribution processes for supporting subsystems of industrial enterprises in terms of metrological support for accounting for resource consumption. The main research methods are the analysis of normative and regulatory documents, a comparative analysis of methods and methods for organizing gas distribution processes, a method of system design for measuring resource consumption. As a means of measuring the amount of supplied resources, Coriolis mass meters are used, where mass flow and density are measured by the direct method, and volume flow by the recalculation method. The article substantiates the feasibility of switching the service subsystems of industrial enterprises to gas engine fuel due to its lower cost, the presence of main and distribution gas pipelines, reducing the impact on the environment, and increasing the service life of the motor engine. Disadvantages of known methods for checking gas dispensers have been identified, namely the need to bleed gas from cylinders into the atmosphere after each operation of filling and weighing cylinders, the need to deliver heavy cylinders and scales to gas pressure stations, as well as the need to decommission gas dispensers during verification of filling cylinders. . A model of a mobile automobile gas refueling station has been proposed, which differs from the existing ones in that a reference meter block is installed directly after the refueling unit, with the help of which the commercial metering system of the gas filling station is verified. This method of organizing the process of distribution of gas motor fuel within the gas filling infrastructure of an industrial enterprise can significantly improve the quality of work of transport subsystems of enterprises: increase the accuracy of gas consumption control, eliminate downtime of industrial transport, and provide the ability to take into account the seasonality of fuel consumption.


Service production, quality of processes, resource efficiency, transport subsystem, gas engine fuel, mobile gas tanker, metrological support

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328552   |   DOI: 10.37313/1990-5378-2024-26-1-92-99

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