Formulation producing fillings with powder cedar oil cake

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The research objective was receiving a new semi-finished product with powder from cedar cake and carrying out the analysis of the received results by means of mathematical modeling. For definition of the best ratio of ingredients the top and lower limits for introduction of each component were set. In the conditions of the chair of bread baking, con-fectionery and macaroni production technologies of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university powder dos-ages in a compounding of receiving a stuffing were studied and the influence of components ratio on its quality was defined. As raw materials cedar pow-der, icing sugar, the powdered milk fat-free confec-tionery fat and lecithin were used. Modeling was made by means of the computer software of De-sign-Expert 8.0.6 by means of which experimental data were analyzed, the regression model was cre-ated, response surfaces were constructed. In total 30 options of compounding were processed. By the analysis of the surface of the response the best dosages of components were defined: powder ce-dar was 27.71 g; icing sugar was 28.10; the pow- dered milk fat-free was 12,35; confectionery fat was 27,82; lecithin was 4,02 g on each 100 g of ready-made products with loss of 1 %. According to the obtained data the raw materials expense on each 100 g of a ready-made product was calculated.


Cedar cake, mathematical modeling, compounding, stuffing

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IDR: 14084629

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