Development of technical schemes and installations for drying agricultural products and obtaining their powders using solar energy

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This article discusses the development of a technical scheme for obtaining powders of agricultural products. This technology, developed by us using solar energy, takes into account the physical, mechanical, thermophysical properties of products, different periods of their ripening, as well as seasonal and daily changes in the density of solar radiation during the drying process of agricultural products. A technical scheme has been proposed for drying liquid-viscous agricultural products in solar drying installations of the radiation-convective type at different densities of solar radiation, i.e. at different times of the year, allowing products to be dried to low residual moisture to obtain their powders.


Solar energy, agricultural products, technical diagram, initial product, drying unit, paste product, residual moisture, powder

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129709   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/34

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