Development of technology of mylticomponent instrument composition formation on the basis of porous silicon

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Development of semi-conductor electronics is closely connected with search of new materials. Multicomponent electronic instrument compositions concern such materials on the basis of porous silicon. One of which kinds are nanocompositions on the basis of porous silicon. In the given work the hardware-technological scheme of formation of electronic instrument compositions РсCu/por Si/n-Sі and РсAl/por-Si/n-Sі has been developed. Under the given scheme on a plate of monocrystal silicon of n-type of conductivity porous silicon over which is generated at Т mono-Sі = 40 °C solution С 32 H 16 N 8 Cu:С 3 Н 6 О:Н 2 О = 2:39:59 weight. % is besieged by a method of weight. % (1 sets), С 32 H 16 N 8 Cu:С 2 Н 5 ОН:Н 2 О = 2:59:39 weight. % (2 sets), С 32 H 16 N 8 Аl:С 3 Н 6 О:Н 2 О = 2:39:59 weight. % (3 sets), С 32 H 16 N 8 Аl:С 2 Н 5 ОН:Н 2 О = 2:59:39 weight. % (4 sets) at Т solution = 50 °C. Further samples are sated and dry in эксикаторе throughout 2 hours and are exposed annealing at Т annealing = 250 – 300 °C on air in a current 5 – 10 minutes. It is recommended to use a solution with Т solution = 40 °С and Т mono Sі = 45 °С for avoidance cracking structures along border «mono-Sі – por-Si» at annealing. In work data concerning technological adaptation of conditions sedimentation and annealing samples are cited. Influence annealing on morphological, electric, electrophysical properties of the received compositions is investigated.


Technology, phthalocyanine, porous silicon, structuring, compositions, pulverization, substrates

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IDR: 146114760

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