The development of bread technology using crushed grain of wheat and rye

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The research objective was the development of technology of bread with using shredded grain of wheat and rye for increasing the nutrition value of the products. The possibilities of application in bread baking of cereals from grains of wheat and rye as raw materials were considered. Moisture-holding abilities of grain were investigated. Crushed grains are capable of holding not less than 70 % of moisture inside the grain. By the researches it was established that the cereals from grain of wheat were capable of holding from 70 to 105 % of moisture, the extent of hydration changed depending on the variety of wheat used for the production of grain, grain humidity, the ways of grain processing. Shredded grain of rye holds 85-95 % of moisture. The most optimum time of soaking is considered to be 10-12 hours; water temperature thus has to be within 25-40 °C. In the course of working out of technological processes the cycles of bakery products baking with the dosage of shredded grain from 5 to 40 % were carried out...


Whole grain bread, cereals, assortment, technology, bread baking, quality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140245592   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-133-137

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