Development of technologies of teeth replantation and autotransplantation as a factor, promoting the improvement of population life quality in large industrial region

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In article the examples of successful carrying out the operations of teeth replantation and autotransplantation, also with the use of innovative dental navigation system, in Samara clinics are given. Thus at intraosseous root fixation of replanted tooth with use of special instruments and bone nails of own design it was succeeded to avoid possible complications. Optimum results of operations of teeth replantation with use of innovative technology allow to expand considerably indications to their performance and treatment of teeth out of oral cavity.

Autotransplantation, teeth, life quality, innovative dental navigation system, tooth intraosseous root fixation, dental restoration, fixed bridge-like prostheses, replantation, biodegrading bone nail

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IDR: 148101873

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