Development of dendroarchaeological research in Siberia

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The paper looks into the history of the dendroarchaeology development in Siberia. The following stages have been singled out: I - formation (implementation of the method, collection of material and construction of the first chronologies); II - development (automation and mass application of the method for dendroarchaeological dating); III - qualitative changes (digitalization, the emergence of new methods for obtaining annual ring parameters and sample preparation). It is shown that over the past decades, the quality of dendrochronological research has improved in relation to solving the problems of dating wooden objects, structures, wood art objects, and the scope of work carried out, the geographical coverage has expanded. In a longer term, with new modern technologies developed, the search for new methods of sample preparation, and the involvement of new parameters of tree rings for calendar dating, dendroarchaeology allows not only to restore the past of human history, but also to fit it in more detail into the context of the environment.


Archeology, dendroarchaeology, tree-ring chronologies, calendar dating, siberia

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IDR: 143182921   |   DOI: 10.25681/IARAS.0130-2620.274.7-25

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