Development of hypovitaminosis in preschool children subjected to a complex impact of chemical risk factors of industrial origin

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A thorough examination of 188 children aged 6, attending at least 3 years OED was performed. The examination program included a study of the diet of children, evaluation of air quality of indoor air and drinking water of OED, the study of chemical substances of anthropogenic origin, and vitamins A, C, D, B6 and B12 in the blood of children. The tested OED is located on the territory of a large industrial center with contaminated sites environment (air, air of preschool facilities and drinking water), organic substances of technogenic origin (phenol, formaldehyde, ethyl ben-zene, and organochlorine compounds). The results showed that under pollution of environment by complex objects of organic compounds, even when a balanced diet, over 75% of children have vitamin deficiency. The connection of high blood concentration of organic compounds in children - with a reduction in the level of vitamins, enzymes, anti-oxidant profile (succinate dehydrogenase and glutathione peroxidase) and the level of total antioxidant activity of blood serum was found. In the context of reducing the functional activity of the oxidation-antioxidant system, the role of non-enzymatic antioxidant defense reactions carried out in vitamins, which is accompanied by their increased con-sumption. Launch of the mechanism of increased consumption of vitamins in chronic toxic load underlies the forma-tion of their deficiency and requires the development of new approaches to prevention of the hypovitaminosis associ-ated with exposure to complex organic compounds of anthropogenic origin.


Children, chemicals of man-made origin, vitamin deficiencies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147204807

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