Developing and refining the algorithm of single-plane dynamic balancing of a high-speed flying prototype

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One of the major tasks that challenges manufacturer at a final assembly stage, aimed to reduce abnormal modes of flying for high-speed models of vehicles, is matching parameters of mass-inertia asymmetry with values, specified in operational documentation for the model. Both characterization and model’s balancing are made with special check-out gauging equipment on final part of the common model’s assemblage. Using of methods and equipment of dynamic balancing permits to increase accuracy of the parameters’ measurements. In the paper the algorithm of balancing analysis is considered, when counterpoising the model within the only correction plane on the vertical balancing stand. And the correction plane is being on considerable distance from model’s center of mass. It enables in a single step either bringing mass-inertia asymmetry parameters to predetermined values or diagnosing impossibility of meeting the above values for every specified model of flying model. The parameters are controlled under dynamic conditions. The flying machine is counterbalanced being a part of assembled rotor. The rotor supports are gas bearings, which has a great staunchness to wear and tear. Vertical position of rotation axis allows to exclude deformations of the body of flying model during the experiment. For measure of nonbalances of the model uses piezo-electric sensors. Processing of measuring signals conducts with use the methods of analogue filtering and digital filtering. Tuning the balancing stand fulfill with use of test weights, which mass are known, and which corner positions in planes of correction are known, too. Using of the algorithm allows to exclude of intermediate steps during the balancing experiment and to cut duration of this process. Verification of calculations, made after the results of balancing experiment, demonstrated high accuracy of obtained formulas and usability of the algorithm for precision balancing the flying models of the only correction plane that locates at a distance well removed from the center-mass of the model.


Vector, solid of rotation, symmetry axis, axis of inertia, center of mass, plane of correction, balancing analysis, unbalance

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IDR: 148177434

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