The development of innovations in the field of programming: the operating system in Android and the prospects of its use

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The article defined the advantages of the An-droid operating system from the standpoint of its functionality. It is stressed that the Android operat-ing system has more features from other operating systems. It has a high performance and economical power supply in the maintenance of software appli-cations, easy access and a wide range of software products. The authors note that the Android oper-ating system is a platform based on the Linux ker-nel, which is the kernel of the operating system cor-responding with the POSIX standards, i.e. a set of standards. This innovative development is wide-spread abroad in all areas of information technol-ogy. Its application and development are fully inte-grated into the international market. In Russia it is also widely used system, as it is affordable and of the highest standard, which ensures its demand on the market. However, the authors note that the do-mestic version of the smartphones of this type in Russia, respectively and infrastructure, and the training of specialists is conducted on the level of production and consumption catching-up. The au-thors believe that the specificity and the problem of using this operating system takes place because the devices quickly become obsolete as the carriers and manufacturers don't want to create a software update that users could not use the new features, staying on old versions of Android. Despite its shortcomings, the Android operating system is by far the most functional and in demand, and its po-tential is far from exhausted. The authors propose the use of the Android operating system for the im-plementation of its own information of the project, as well as for training purposes in the framework of University training.


Mobile device, operating system, система android, application of software, система android в учеб-ном процессе вуза, android system in the educational process of higher educa-tion institution, android system

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