Interests cultivation in physical education of senior preschoolers by means of project activity

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The article presents the experience of practical work on interests cultivation to physical education of senior preschool age children using organized project activities in the educational area «Physical development». The result of the joint work of a kindergarten teacher, children and parents with the help of the integration of motor, game and cognitive-research activities was the development of a stable conscious attitude to physical activity. In the study, as part of the implementation of a pedagogical project, a complex of cognitive and recreational activities was described which contributed to an increase in the effective impact on the physical education of a child not only in a preschool educational institution, but also in everyday life. The introduction of a sports-cognitive project into the practice of physical education gave positive results in the formation of interest in physical education among older preschoolers and increased the level of development of their physical qualities.


Physical education, project activity, interest in physical education and sports, physical activity, preschool children

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140257672

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