Developing linguistic self-study as one of the strategic objectives of foreign language education at the university level

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This paper analyzes the development of linguistic self-study among university students as one of the innovative trends in pedagogical practice. The author justifies the need to revise the goals, organization, content, teaching techniques and quality requirements of professional linguistic education in accordance with the current stage of social development in Russia and tendencies in higher education and describes the essence and general trend in the development of linguistic self-study culture based on the philosophical idea of human self-development as a mechanism of internal change. Special attention is paid to the description of meaningful and cumulative human ability to educate oneself using a foreign language. The paper considers the structural and parametric components of linguistic self-study as a source of personal and professional growth and analyzes external and internal characteristics of independent learning behavior as a personal quality affecting the level of personal self-awareness...


Independence, principles, linguistic self-study, self-study activities, strategies of linguistic self-study, correlations

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IDR: 14116956

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