Development of ship repair enterprises in the context of economic transformation

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The article examines the conditions for the development of ship repair enterprises in the present historic period. The relevance and novelty of the study consist in the fact that the key factors that negatively affect the domestic ship repair industry, as well as problems and new business directions that take into account industry specifics were identified. To conduct the research, general scientific methods of information analysis and synthesis were used, as were methods of desk and field research (in-depth interviews with experts) and a graphical method of presenting the material. A detailed analysis of the shipbuilding development strategy for the period up to 2035 was carried out, which made it possible to establish measures to solve problems in the field of ship repair, taking into account the requirements of the modern economy. It was revealed that, firstly, ship repair enterprises are directly influenced by the maritime transport industry, the successful development of which is characterized by digital transformation today. Secondly, their activities have a negative impact on the environment; therefore, in their development, they must rely on the principles of the green and circular economies. Thirdly, the results of the expert survey showed the need to develop partnerships with customers in the context of client-centricity, which requires the development of marketing competencies in the personnel of a ship repair enterprise. In order to better meet customer preferences, the article recommends the development of a digital ecosystem, which should include not only sellers and buyers of ship repair services. Suppliers of spare parts, shipyards, and other enterprises should be considered as minor participants, which will create additional value for the services offered.


Ship repair enterprise, circular economy, client-centricity, digitalization, ecosystem, economic transformation, shipbuilding development strategy, digital ecosystem

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IDR: 149145185   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.1.16

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