Implementation of potential opportunities of high power wheeled tractors

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The purpose of the work is to substantiate the conditions for optimal adaptation of wheeled 4k4b tractors of high power to soil treatment technologies. The methodology of system approach to stepwise differentiation and rational distribution along the axes of its operational mass, taking into accountestablished conditions, indicators, and limitations, is based on the formation of models and the algorithm for optimizing the mass-energy parameters of the tractor when it is used as part of tractional tillage unit. According to the results of the simula- tion with using experimental dependencies of propulsiveстей и применение позиционно-силового регулирования заднего навесного устройства в режиме рабочего хода.Особая роль при балластировании отводится рацио- нальному распределению веса (массы) по осям трактора для обеспечения равенства нормальных реакций почвыshunting of thrusters and tractive efficiency of the load, nomi- nal traction modes and respective values of specific mass ofна передние У П и задние У Kколеса в режиме рабо-the tractor on single and double wheels are justified, with invariable parameters of removable ballast for each group of operations of soil cultivation...


Adaptation, algorithm, ballast, equipment, technology, tractor, specific gravity

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IDR: 140238134

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