Implementation of the rights to change persons in an obligation: topical issues of law enforcement

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The article presents a brief analysis of the law enforcement practice of exercising the rights to changea persons in an obligation, which allowed the author to determine a range of topical issues, among which a significant place is occupied by the different approach of the judicial authorities in resolving the issue of challenging assignment agreements as a sham transaction, the inadmissibility of the debtor's (assignee's) objections, the possibility of concluding a gratuitous assignment agreement by the parties

Rights, change of persons in the obligation, law enforcement, topical issues, judicial authorities, various approaches, objections of the debtor (assignee), gratuitousness of the contract

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203360   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-3-114-116

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