Implementation of the principle of openness and publicity in the police activities

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The article is devoted to the implementation of the principles of openness and publicity in the police activities, which are provided by the legislation. The concepts of «publicity», «openness», «transparency» are analyzed. The special attention is paid to the correlation of public interests in the police activities with the provisions of the legislation governing the relations in the field of personal data protection. The authors come to the conclusion that when the police apply the rules that ensure the confidentiality of personal data of certain categories of citizens, the barriers in the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of law-abiding citizens to awareness about security issues are created.


Transparency, openness, publicity, principle of activity, police, public awareness, social control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256720   |   DOI: 10.51980/2542-1735_2021_2_141

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