Reforming the military organization of the Cossack population in Eastern Siberia in the 20-50s of the XIX century

Автор: Sokolovskaya Tatyana A.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: История

Статья в выпуске: 7, 2024 года.

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The armed forces represent a pivotal tool of state power exerting significant influence on regional development. The article examines the reforms to create Cossack regiments in vast and sparsely populated Eastern Siberia according to the Provisions of July 22, 1822 and January 4, 1851, reconstructing the motives and course of organizational transformations. Initiatives in both instances were spearheaded by prominent state figures: Mikhail Speransky in the former and Nikolay Muravyov, later bestowed with the title Count of Amur, in the latter. The attempts of the state apparatus to level the shortage of general imperial and regional resources, to ensure a balance between the interests of the state as a whole and the East Siberian part of the Cossack estate, which are very ambiguous in terms of effectiveness, are shown. Much attention is paid to the problem of monetary and food allowances for Cossack formations, as well as the experience of voluntary “support” of the population of Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces adjacent to the Cossacks, which made it possible to triple the number of this class group. Conclusion dwells upon the fact that these reforms remained incomplete, as Cossack administrative bodies did not achieve full autonomy from the overarching civilian administration.


Cossacks, eastern siberia, reforms, reorganization, m.m. speransky, n.n. muravyov, personnel allowance, police functions

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IDR: 149145572   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.7.32

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