Regional measures to support the socio-economic sphere in the Russian Arctic in the context of sanctions restrictions
Автор: Matvienko I.I., Chizhova L.A.
Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en
Рубрика: Regional economy
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.17, 2024 года.
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The importance of studying policy-making issues related to anti-sanctions legislation and practical measures to support the population and business at the level of Russia’s Arctic regions in the context of sanctions pressure is associated with the major role of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, which has geopolitical, strategic and socio-economic significance. The article provides a brief overview of the history of sanctions pressure and response measures based on a comparative analysis of foreign and Russian studies; we also conduct a content analysis of the anti-sanctions legislation in the Russian Arctic regions for 2022-2023 and current regional measures to support businesses and population to ensure socio-economic stability. Among the Arctic regions, the Komi and Sakha (Yakutia) republics are leaders in terms of the number of regulatory legal acts and the number of regional anti-sanctions measures, while the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous areas are outsiders. The Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Yamal- Nenets Autonomous Area, the Republic of Karelia, the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions are Arctic territories that conduct quite moderate activities fulfilling the requirements of Presidential Decree 121, dated March 16, 2022. In this regard, it is necessary to continue to improve and update anti-sanctions legislation and anti-sanctions measures at the regional level in order to adjust the socio-economic sphere properly. It is necessary to study certain areas of regional support, for example taxation issues, more thoroughly. It is recommended that the authorities of the Arctic regions pay attention to regional taxes, which can play an important role in ensuring socio-economic stability. The content analysis also shows that there is no uniformity in policy-making activities at the level of the Russian Arctic regions, and a multidirectional practice of using state support measures to ensure socio-economic stability in the face of sanctions pressure is applied. Currently, it is necessary to streamline and balance the anti-sanctions legislation and measures it envisages at the level of the Russian Arctic regions.
State support, regional measures, sanctions, anti-sanctions legislation, anti-sanctions measures, socio-economic stability, arctic zone of the russian federation
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147245872 | DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.4.94.5
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