Religious politics and ministers of religion of kyrgyz kaganat

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Study of ethno-confessional politics and role of ministers of religion in nomads' empires is one of not fully worked out problems of nomads' study of our country. In this connection we pared our attention to the analysis of written and archaeological sources concerning problems of formation and development of religious elite of Kyrgyz kaganat in Central Asia in Middle Ages. The elite consisted of kagan as sacralized person, his clan and surroundings, missioners and traditional ministers of religion - shamans, who took part in main religious measures. It is necessary to mark that heads of families and clans played an important role in everyday nomads' life. They were bearers of sacral knowledge connected with life circle rites, including funeral-burial one. Religious politics of Kyrgyz kaganat had, on the whole, a tolerant character and it influenced to a certain extent upon the syncretism formation of nomads' world outlook.


Central asia, kyrgyz people, middle ages, funeral-burial ritualism, religion, ministers of religion

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IDR: 14737138

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