Rheological behavior of mixtures used in 3D-printing: experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of criteria requirements for filler
Автор: Slavcheva G.S., Solonina V.A., Razov I.O., Filipenko P.V., Orlov V.S.
Журнал: Нанотехнологии в строительстве: научный интернет-журнал @nanobuild
Рубрика: Строительное материаловедение
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.16, 2024 года.
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Introduction. For handling the problem of mixtures design for additive construction technologies, the paper presents the results of experimental studies of rheological behavior and production characteristics (plasticity and shape stability) of cement mixtures based on various types of fillers with different size, shape, and grade. Methods and materials. Rheological properties of 3D-printable mixtures were investigated using squeezing rheometry methods. The constant strain rate mode of 5 mm/s was used to evaluate plasticity and the constant load rate of 5 N/s was used to evaluate form stability. Scanning electron microscopy method (Phenom XL) was used to evaluate the size-geometry characteristics of cement and filler particles. Image processing to determine particle length and width was performed using ParticleMetric software. The size and gradation of the cement and filler particles were evaluated using a laser particle size analyser "Analyzette 22". Results and discussion. It was found that a necessary condition for the plasticity and stability of mixtures is the creation of dense spatial packing of disperse phase particles. The values of the plasticity limit rational for extrusion are ensured if the filler particles have a size comparable to cement particles and multi-size gradation. The characteristics of the fillers are not decisive for the shape stability of the mixtures.
Additive technologies, cement mixture, fillers, rheology, workability
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142242417
IDR: 142242417 | DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2024-16-4-310-319