Research of the motion parameters of a spaceplane entry of into the atmosphere
Автор: Kolga V.V., Runda N.S.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.25, 2024 года.
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After cessation of operation of the International Space Station in 2028, the Russian Federation plans to develop a national orbital station project. The Russian Space Station will differ from its predecessor in a greater practical aspect. One of the tasks assigned to the station will be the launch and management of a group of small satellites for remote sensing of the Earth, as well as the interaction and maintenance of prospective satellite groups. Due to the limited maneuverability of the orbital station and the potential for a malfunctioning device to be at a significant distance from it, the use of an autonomous spaceplane is proposed to increase the transportation and technical capabilities of the station. The research presents two aerodynamic designs of the spaceplane, and one of them is chosen based on the results of the aerodynamic and weight analysis. The spaceplane configuration and algorithms for its operation on the orbit and descent to the atmosphere are also presented. The goal of the research is to compare the trajectory parameters during the descent of the spacecraft from different descent orbits. For this purpose, a task was specified to determine the dependence of the area of the descent corridor on the initial parameters. The area of the descent corridor is determined by the boundary conditions, which depend on the operational parameters of the spaceplane. A computational program is written to solve differential equations of flight dynamics of a spaceplane by Euler's method in general and by Runge-Kutta method in a computational case. The results of the research are presented as the dependence of the area of the descent corridor on the altitude of descent. Graphical representations of the primary parameters of the spaceplane descent for the computational case are also provided.
Spaceplane, Russian Orbital Station, movement in dense layers of the atmosphere, trajectory, algorithm of functioning
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329737 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-2-233-246
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