Restructuring of enterprises of rocket and space industry in terms of establishing a corporate structure

Автор: Belyakov G.P., Karacheva G.A.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.16, 2015 года.

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Rocket and space industry is in a very promising area of activity, bringing a major contribution to the economy and defense capability in different countries. The strategy of development of the domestic space industry, a number of state and federal target program envisage the formation of economically sustainable, competitive, diversified industry, the achievement of technological leadership and the need for the presence of our country in space. The problems identified by this strategy require concentration of efforts in many areas of the aerospace industry. The complexity of these tasks is associated with overcoming the problems that have accumulated in the industry and organizational mistakes made in the process of reforming of the space industry. Inherited from the Soviet era rocket and space complex was too bulky and very heavy, its reform is to reduce the size of the complex while maintaining the most effective and strategically important areas. Organizational changes have taken place in the reform process, only partially solved the problems of the industry. Currently, there was a need in the new stage of further improving the structure of the rocket and space industry, which justifies the relevance of the work. An analysis of the reform of the national rocket and space industry, highlighted in its basic stages, marked the industry’s problems. Based on the issues identified the necessity of carrying out restructuring of the space industry in terms of creating a corporate structure. Also provided are the main directions of restructuring of the corporate structure of the industry.


Enterprise restructuring, enterprise reform, rocket and space industry, corporate structure

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IDR: 148177523

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