The resources of plantain (Plantago major L.) in Eastern Transbaikalia

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The studies were conducted on the territory of Eastern Baikal territory in the valley of the river Shilka in 1991 for the purpose of inventory valua- tion of raw materials of Plantago major L. and iden- tification of determinants of yield of leaves. The thicket area was determined on a specific array by mapping. The yield of raw material was estimated by the method of work on the site for accounting. The highest productivity of leaves was observed on the edges of forest roads and paths, where P. ma- jor had very large leaves and formed quite exten- sive thickets, suppressing other plant species. Indi- viduals growing in dense herbage are erect long- petiolate large leaves. The average length is 33,16 ± 0,05 cm, width of the leaf blade is 7,52 ± 0,10 cm. The impact of the intensive technogenic loading leads to the decrease of aver-age sizes and weight of leaves. The samples col-lected at the end of the growing season on sites with significant contamination differred substantially smaller area of a sheet plate 84 to 96 cm2, than the instances with the forest outskirts of the village and the road across the field was 136-148 cm2. The coefficient of correlation (r ± mr = 0,86 ± 0,01) indi-cates the close relationship of the yield of the leaves with the projective cover view square and allows you to use thisthe dependence for rapid yield estimation. The average yield of raw materials is quite high: in the steppe regions is 20 ± 1.21 g/m2, and in forest-steppe steppe is 19 ± 1.31 g/m2, in a forest is 20 ± 0,97 g/m2. On the territory of Eastern Transbaikalia region the revealed massifs ofP. major total area of hectares were equal to 19806, the production areawasequal to389 hectares. Biological stock of raw was 139,36 t, production stock was 69,70 t. Possible volume of timber-stocks in the entire study territory was defined in the volume 62,70 t.


Lantago major l, medicinal plants, productivity, resources, anthropogenic im-pact, plantago major l, yield

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084632

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