Retraining data sequence for combined detector

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This work presents two detectors that are employed to manage the intersymbol interference that the communication channels introduce. These two detectors work by combining a Viterbi detector and a nonlinear equalizer. The second detector, which this study contributes, is called Combined Detector-2(CDR2). The first detector, which was previously constructed, is known as Combined Detector-1(CDR1). With a different data sequence, CDR2 is comparable to CDR1. Data transfer at 9.6 kbps over telephone channel is used to test these detectors with a nonlinear equalization. According to simulation data, the CDR2 performs better than the CDR1, whereas the nonlinear equalizer performs better than the CDR1.


Viterbi detector, retraining data sequence, nonlinear equalizer, mlse

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IDR: 146282959

Список литературы Retraining data sequence for combined detector

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