Review of problems and methods of calibration of space magnetometers based on anisotropic magnetoresistive effect

Автор: Melent’ev D.O., Piskazhova T.V., Dontsova T.V.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Technological processes and material science

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.25, 2024 года.

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Instruments measuring the Earth's magnetic field are widely used in the space industry. Increasingly, loworbit spacecraft orientation and stabilization systems include magnetometers manufactured using magnetoresistive technology. This is justified by the low weight, size and consumption of such devices, which makes them ideal for use on small-sized spacecraft. However, the main problem of magnetoresistive magnetometers is the need to estimate possible measurement errors. The influence of errors significantly reduces the accuracy characteristics of the device. In order to solve the problem, researchers propose various methods for evaluating and eliminating the influence of errors on measurements [1–7]. Among the ways to eliminate errors in the readings of the device, constructive solutions are used, such as putting the device at a distance from the spacecraft using a retractable boom, in order to reduce the influence of interference on the device from the apparatus [2]. Such a solution is advisable for large spacecraft, where the presence of a retractable boom will not complicate the design and will not increase energy consumption. For small spacecraft, such a solution is not advisable, for this reason, when discussing small-sized spacecraft magnetometers, much attention is paid to calibration methods, mathematical evaluation and error correction, both in ground and in flight conditions. The objectives of the article include the formation of a general understanding of the causes of distortions in the readings of anisotropic magnetoresistive magnetometers, methods of their mathematical evaluation. A review of methods and equipment for ground calibration is carried out. The characteristics of the calibrated parameters of magnetometers are given and a mathematical model of measurement of the device is proposed, taking into account errors. The basic operations and equipment used in the calibration process are described. The results of the work can be useful in designing workplaces for calibrating magnetometers, as well as in conducting empirical research in the field of magnetometric sensors.


Calibration of a magnetoresistive magnetometer, a mathematical model of magnetometer measurements, methods of calibration of a magnetoresistive magnetometer

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329762   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-4-508-520

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