Revision of Rosaceae juss. family in the flora of Khakasia

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The aim of the article is taking of inventory of the Rosaceae Juss. family in Khakasia flora. The tasks were to analyse herbarium material and liter-ary sources of the Khakasia flora, to educe compo-sition of Rosaceae family and its specific gravity in the flora of Khakasia, to designate participating of the family in the vegetable cover of Khakasia, prac-tical and scientific value. For realization of the aim and the tasks the Rosaceae family collections of Herbariums of the Central Siberian botanical gar-den of Russian Science Academy Siberian De-partment (Novosibirsk), Krasnoyarsk state peda-gogical university named after V.P. Astafyev (Kras-noyarsk, KSPU), Khakas state university named after N.F. Katanov (Abakan, KSU), and also the own field collections of 2013-2015 have been stud-ied. As a result of this research it has been set, that Rosaceae family in the Khakasia flora nowadays counts 26 genus and 102 species. The family spec-trum of local floras and the flora all over Khakasia shows the pride of the family place, that testifies to its high plasticity. The family representatives are the inalienable part of any vegetable association of Khakasia and have a great practical value: medici-nal, melliferous, decorative, food, feed, technical, soilstrengthening. The scientific value of the family is determined by the presence in the Khakasia flora of endemic precinctives: Coluria geoides (Pall.) Ledeb., Potentilla martjanovii Polozh., P. elegantissima Polozh., P. jenissejensis Polozh., Alchemilla dasyclada Juz. and relict types of differ-ent ages: Waldsteinia ternata (Stephan) Fritsch - the tertiary widefoliage forests, Cotoneaster uniflorus Bunge, Potentilla nivea L. - glacial (glyacial'nye), Dasiphora parvifolia rvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Sojak (=Dasiphora parvifolia (Fisch ex Lehm.) Juz., Spiraea trilobata L. - xerothermic pe-riod of golocen. Guarded at regional level (with sta-tus): «being under threat of disappearance» - Waldsteinia ternata, «growing short in a quantity species» - Potentilla martjanovii, Rosa spinosissima L., Spiraea trilobata L.


Khakasia, flora, семей-ство rosaceae juss, rosaceae juss

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IDR: 14084668

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