Reserves of preparation of forages on inundated meadows of the Yenisei North

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The development of floodplains of the northern rivers of the Russian Federation is attracting more and more scientists’ attention. Large reserve of meadow grounds and fertile lands little affected by the development is concentrated on the area more than twenty million hectares. On the scales the problem of the development of inundated lands of the North gaining the state value. Inundated mead-ows have great nature protection value, play essen-tial role in biosphere processes, it is complex eco-logical system, very productive, but vulnerable at unreasoned anthropogenous influence. On the ba-sis of the analysis of results of preparation of forag-es on inundated water meadows of northern re-gions of the Russian Federation and Krasnoyarsk Region it is possible to draw a conclusion that the existing traditional technologies of preparation and storage of hay and senage with use of available equipment of domestic production considerably concede to the technology "senage in packing" with use of modern equipment. Taking into account short summer period and remoteness from settle-ments the most perspective way of effective devel-opment of fodder resources of floodplains of the northern rivers at the present stage is the introduc-tion of modern technology of preparation of pressed forages with use of floating mechanized complexes. Such complex represents mobile en- terprise for production of pressed grass rolls packed into protective film having high economic efficiency of its use in northern areas. Productivity of the mechanized complex on the technology sen-age "in packing" makes to 90 tons for a shift. Under favorable weather conditions mechanized complex is recommended to be used for hay preparation.


Inundated meadows, forages quality, preparation of forages, "senage in packing"

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IDR: 140224258

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