Spring rapeseed varieties agroecological test results in the Central Black Earth region forest steppe and the oil quality analysis obtained from its seeds

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The purpose of the study is a comparative assessment of different varieties of spring rape, capable of realizing the productivity potential in the soil and climatic conditions of the Lipetsk Region. Objectives: to give a comparative assessment of the productivity of different varieties of spring rape in the forest-steppe of the Central Black Earth Region; to determine the content of fat in seeds and the gross yield of oil from 1 hectare; to evaluate the fatty acid composition of the oil obtained from the seeds of the studied varieties. Agroecological testing of varieties of spring rape was carried out on the training experimental field of the Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin in 2018-2020. The objects of the study were varieties of domestic selection Madrigal, Favorit and a variety of foreign selection Ability. The high-yielding cultivar Rif was used as a standard. On average, over three years of research, a consistently high yield and oil content was noted in the foreign variety Abiliti, amounting to 2.01 t/ha and 44.3 %, respectively. Of the varieties of domestic selection, the variety Favorit was characterized by the maximum yield (1.92 t/ha), which exceeded the control variety Rif in productivity by 12.2 %, and in gross oil collection - by 11.8 %. The maximum collection of oil was provided by seeds of the Abiliti variety (890.4 kg / ha), exceeding the control by 148.1 kg/ha. It was found that all the obtained oil samples can be used for food purposes, since they met the requirements of GOST 31759-2012 in terms of the erucic acid content. The oils obtained from the seeds of the Abiliti (64.1 %) and Rif (59.7 %) varieties were distinguished by the highest content of oleic acid. The high content of linoleic + linoleaidic fatty acids was noted in the Abiliti (18.2 %) and Favorit (22.9 %). All studied oil samples were characterized by low values of palmitic acid (0.1-3.8 %).


Spring rapeseed, varieties, yield, oil, fatty acid composition

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140292535

IDR: 140292535

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