The results of the analysis of the students' body composition by bioimpedance method

Автор: Blinov Dmitry S., Smirnova Oksana A., Chernova Natalya N., Balykova Oksana P., Lyapina Svetlana A.

Журнал: Инженерные технологии и системы @vestnik-mrsu

Рубрика: Медицинские науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2016 года.

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Introduction. Tissues of the human body can conduct electricity. Liquid medium (water, blood, the contents of hollow bodies), have a low impedance, i.e. good conductors, while denser tissue (muscle, nerves, etc.) resistance is significantly higher. The biggest impedance have fat and bone tissues. The bioimpendancemetry - a method which allows to determine the composition of the human body by measuring electrical resistance (impedance) of its tissues. Relevance. This technique is indispensable to dieticians and fitness trainers. In addition, the results of the study can provide invaluable assistance in the appointment of effective treatment physicians, gynecologists, orthopedists, and other specialists. The bioimped-ance method helps to determine the risks of developing diabetes type 2, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the endocrine system, gall-stone disease and etc. Materials and Methods. In the list of parameters of body composition assessed by bioimped-ance analysis method, included absolute and relative indicators. Depending on the method of measurement of the absolute rates were determined for the whole body. To absolute performance were: fat and skinny body mass index, active cell and skeletal muscle mass, total body water, cellular and extracellular fluid. Along with them were calculated relatively (normalized to body weight, lean mass, or other variables) indicators of body composition. Results. In the result of the comparison of anthropometric and bioimpedance method found that growth performance, vital capacity, weight, waist circumference, circumference of waist and hip, basal metabolism, body fat mass, normalized on growth, lean mass, percentage skeletal muscle mass in boys and girls with normal and excessive body weight had statistically significant differences. Discussion and Conclusions. In the present study physical development with consideration of body composition in students with excessive and normal weight set, statistically significant gender differences in relation to the value of basal metabolism, body fat mass, normalized on growth, classification by percentage of fat mass, lean mass, percentage skeletal muscle and body mass. These bioimpedance method and anthropometry among students with normal and excessive body weight highlight the need for incorporating indicators of body composition and index of distribution of fat mass in the assessment of physical development.


Body weight, basal metabolism, physical development, body composition, tissue, impedance

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14720207   |   DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.026.201602.192-202

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