Efficiency of photodynamic therapy with intralesional photosensitizer for skin basal-cell carcinoma

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The purpose of the study is to estimate efficiency of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with intralesional photosensitizer Radachlorine for different clinical types and histological forms of skin basal-cell carcinoma (BCC). Photodynamic therapy with intralesional photosensitizer Radachlorine was used to treat primary and recurrent clinical forms of Т 1- 2N 0M 0 BCC with solitary and multiple lesions of different histological types. We estimated efficiency of primary treatment outcome using clinical and histological data in 3 months, secondary outcome - in 12 months after the treatment. Delayed disease-free period was estimated annually during 5 years. Difference between early and delayed treatment outcomes regardless clinical and histological forms of the disease was not significant. In five years after the treatment disease free status was in 97,7% of patients under study, a recurrence of the disease was found in 1 patient (2,3%) with primary stage Т 2N 0M 0, ulcer-like lesion of solid adenoid histological type on the nose wing. Results of the study allow us to conclude that photodynamic therapy with intralesional photosensitizer Radachlorine is effective treatment modality for all forms and histological types of skin basal-cell carcinoma. We recommend that the study of medical application of PDT be continued.


Photodynamic therapy, intralesional photosensitizer, "radachlorin", laser radiation, local tumor irradiation, selective treatment of tumor, basal-cell carcinoma

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170170155

IDR: 170170155

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