Results of organization of vaccination against viral hepatitis in the adult population for 2023 on the territory of family physician group No. 2 Family medicine center of Jalal-Abad city, Kyrgyz Republic

Автор: Temirova V., Temirov N., Abdurakhmanova U.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Медицинские науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.10, 2024 года.

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The article reflects the results of organizing express testing and vaccination against viral hepatitis B among the adult population of family physician group no. 2, family medicine center in the city of Jalal-Abad. During this period, n=317 (2.4%) people underwent express testing, of which n=307 (96.8%) had negative results; n=10 (3.2%) was identified, with positive results. results for viral hepatitis B. The coverage of the population for vaccination against parenteral viral hepatitis at the level of family physician groups is very low - the daily average load of the population visiting the testing point and vaccination point against parenteral viral hepatitis during the year averaged 2.5 people. During the year, the highest frequency of those vaccinated with the 1-2-3rd dose falls in the age group of 50-59 years (34.6 and 29.5 per 1000 population), and in second place are 40-49 years and 60 years and older (by 33.0 and 27.0 per 1000 population). Among those who applied for 1-2-3 vaccinations, a large proportion are made up of the non-working population (code-120), then in second place are persons examined for clinical and epidemiological indications (code-113). More women apply to receive vaccination against parenteral viral hepatitis - 63.6%, men - 36.4%.


Vaccination, family physician groups, viral hepatitis b, rapid test, source of infection

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129711   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/42

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