The results of the selection of linear sunflower material according to the content of oleic acid in seed oil

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Sunflower oil is a valuable oilseed crop - the main supplier of vegetable oil in the global community. The most valuable component of sunflower oil is oleic acid. Since 2006, we have studied 535 collection samples of oilseed sunflower in order to identify lines with a high content of oleic acid in seeds. According to the screening results, 63 samples with an oleic acid content of 35 to 75% and 16 samples classified as high oleic, where the percentage of oleic acid content was more than 75%, were found.

Sunflower oil, seeds, collection, sample, composition, oleic acid

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IDR: 170203542   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-3-4-106-108

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