Research and educational results of participation of the collective joint research and educational center Novosibirsk University, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography «Archaeology and ethnology of Northern Asia» field work in construction zone railroad Kuragino - Kyzyl

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Field archaeological practice is an important element of the training of specialists of the historical profile in the Novosibirsk State University. It is organized every year under a joint Scientific and Educational Center of the University and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2011 this practice was held in the form of participation of students in rescue archaeological research in the zone of construction of the railway Kuragino - Kyzyl. As a result, in the course of study in the valley of the river Eerbek in Tuva archaeological sites of different types obtained new and interesting material on the history of the region in the Paleolithic era, early Scythian and Hun time, Middle Ages. Students trainees have mastered the basic techniques of studying the archaeological sites of various kinds. Thus, in the course of the practice in 2011 was solved by an important national economic problems, made an contribution to the study of topical scientific issues, science saved valuable archaeological sites, greatly enhanced the research skills of young professionals.


Novosibirsk state university, institute of archeology and ethnography of the academy of sciences, scientific and educational center, archeology, higher education, field practice

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IDR: 14737897

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