Results of research projects on archaeology and ethnography of North and East Asia at Novosibirsk State University in basic Finance Ministry of education and science in 2009-2013

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Purpose: An important part of the educational process at the Faculty of Humanities in Novosibirsk State University are disciplines such as archaeology and ethnography, including in their broadest application to the territories in North, Central and East Asia. Thanks to this logical design gets the whole process of teaching archaeology, ethnography and Oriental Studies, since most offices graduates in archaeology and oriental future career working on the basis of sources, it is occurring with these territories. Groups of teachers and researchers of the University and the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences jointly accumulated extensive experience in the use of materials in the learning process of studying archaeological sites and a «living» culture of different peoples of the region. The important role played in this comfortable material conditions provided in 2009-2013 by the presence of base funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Thanks to him, was able to solve a number of important tasks. Results: For scientific and educational work at the University was involved a large team of scientists from the Institute. Provided additional funding for field student practices. Purchased or created a lot of training and other equipment. Paid edition of the scientific journal «Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University» (issues «Archaeology and Ethnography»), which is included in a list of scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission; in this journal can post their publications before graduate master's thesis. Directed numerous delegations our undergraduate and postgraduate youth scientific conference, for they have been paid for organizational contributions. To lecture at the University invited leading international scientists. All this inevitably led to an increase in the level and quality of the educational process. Fundamental scientific component was also significant. It was expressed in numerous monographs and hundreds of scientific papers, including journals from databases Web of Science and Scopus, several doctoral and master's theses, reports at scientific conferences of the highest international level. Accordingly, for this are numerous scientific achievements (excavated archaeological sites, databases on ethnographic sources, important analytical results and theoretical conclusions, etc.). However, clearly expressed and occurred flaws or weaknesses that will be addressed in future work. Conclusion: In general, the results for the University has become an important contribution to the solution of its tasks as a network of high school of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


Novosibirsk state university, archaeology, institute of archaeology and ethnography of the russian academy of sciences, ethnography, basic funding, research and educational results, cooperation

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IDR: 147219051

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