Rigging material selection methodology for aircraft elements design

Автор: K.V. Faizullin, M.P. Danilaev, A.V. Polyaev, S.A. Semin, T.I. Rakipov

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Technological processes and material science

Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.24, 2023 года.

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The development of modern materials and technologies for manufacturing structural elements of aircraft from polymer compositions requires justification for the choice of technological rigging. The physical and technical characteristics of the material, ensuring the required accuracy of rigging manufacturing, as well as economic feasibility are the main criteria for choosing the material of technological rigging. The main criteria for choosing a rigging material are the physical and technical characteristics of the material, ensuring the required accuracy rigging manufacturing, as well as economic feasibility. The choice of rigging material depends on the technology for manufacturing structural elements from polymer composite materials. The paper presents a methodology for selecting rigging material for manufacturing details using the vacuum infusion method. The methodic of rigging materials selection for aircraft constriction elements production from polymer composition by vacuum infusion is considered in the paper. The results of a comparative analysis of typical rigging materials used in production are presented. It is shown that the main criteria for a comparative analysis are: temperature, resistance to solvents, resistance to mechanical stress; maintainability; the value of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion; the stability of the geometry of the rigging and its tightness. The results of the comparative analysis showed that metals and carbon fiber are the most appropriate for the manufacture of rigging, when using high temperatures in the technological process. The paper presents an algorithm for choosing the rigging material for manufacturing the details from polymer composite materials. It is noted that in the manufacture of structural elements based on fiberglass and carbon fiber, the rigging material should be chosen the same as that of the detail. This allows, firstly, to ensure the same CLTE, what is important when hot detail formation, and, secondly, to eliminate the warping of the detail during its cooling on the rigging. However, achieving the specified accuracy of such rigging requires taking into account the processing of the rigging with a gelcoat after its manufacture. The paper presents an approach to quantifying the economic feasibility of the choice of rigging material. It is shown that only a combination of technical, technological and economic factors makes it possible to justify the expediency of the rigging material used for the specific production of aircraft structural elements.


Infusion, rigging material, aircraft structural elements

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329703

IDR: 148329703   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-3-605-612

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