Rhetorical analysis of speech as an important aspect of the discipline “Culture of speech”

Автор: Egoshina N.B., Nikolaeva O.A.

Журнал: Культура и образование @cult-obraz-mguki

Рубрика: Теория и история культуры

Статья в выпуске: 3 (54), 2024 года.

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The article deals with such an important phenomenon of modern linguistics as the «culture of speech» and with the development of oratorical competence among students. The topic considered in the article seems to be especially relevant due to the inability of young people to communicate in a standardized literary language. The authors explain what the concepts of «culture of speech», «oratorical abilities», «orator» mean and propose to introduce into the discipline «Culture of speech» such a topic as «Rhetorical analysis», the purpose of which is to teach students how to work with the text, analyze its contents, and the task is to get to know the features and techniques of oratory. The article provides an example of a rhetorical analysis of speech based on an oratorical speech in the Roman Senate by the greatest orator of Ancient Rome, Cicero. The conclusion of the article is that public speaking and the culture of speech is a quality that every person should strive for. The culture of speech is not only an indicator of literacy, but also of human morality.


Analysis, speech culture, linguistics, literary norm, communication, speaker, rhetorical, stylistic device, language

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163223

IDR: 144163223   |   DOI: 10.2441/2310-1679-2024-354-14-22

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