Robotics, employment, the state

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This work is a purely economic-theoretical (deductive) study of the relationship of the state to the “unproductive class” that arises as a result of the theoretically possible disappearance of employment. It is assumed that employment disappears as a result of the trend of robotization of production (capital completely replaces labor). The paper contains a conceptual critique of the theory of the exogenous state; the endogenous state appears. Accordingly, the object of the study is the attitude of the endogenous state to the “unproductive class”. The subject of this study is the nature of the attitude of the endogenous state to the “unproductive class”. The purpose of the study is to determine the interest of the endogenous state in ensuring the existence of the “unproductive class”. If the” unproductive class”, by definition, is not engaged in production and does not assign factor income (wages), then it can exist at the expense of the transfer of the state. But does an endogenous state have an economic need for the existence of this “class” (the predominant part of society, however, not engaged in production)?


Specialization, price distribution, state, public goods, robotization, employment, unconditional basic income

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142230343   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1808

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