The genotype and weather conditions role in shaping economically valuable features of introduced black currant varieties

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The purpose of research is to study, in the southwestern part of the Non-Black Earth Region of Russia, introduced varieties of black currant, differing in genetic and geographical origin, in terms of limiting economically significant traits, with high homeostaticity, and the selection of promising genotypes for inclusion in further breeding work. The studies were carried out in the period 2017-2020, differing in contrasting weather and climatic conditions, in the areas of the black currant collection of the Kokinsky Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Federal Research Center of Horticulture (Bryansk Region). The influence of temperature, precipitation, and moisture level on the manifestation of such economically valuable traits as winter hardiness, resistance to American powdery mildew and currant bud (gall) mite was studied. The results of the assessment of 18 varieties of domestic breeding and the Institute of Fruit Growing of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are presented, control is the variety Mif, which is actively involved in breeding work for a complex of economically useful traits. Introducents were studied according to the components that make up the overall productivity: the number of fruiting nodes, berries in the bunch, and the average weight of fruits. Varieties with a wide genetic base have been identified, the use of which in targeted crosses will improve the existing assortment of black currants. In breeding for resistance to spheroteca, it is promising to use the varieties Tamerlane, Sharovidnaya, Bagira, Vympel, Kupalinka, Rita, Chernavka; to gemmaceous mites - Glariosa, Kupalinka, Sensei, Fortuna; an abundance of fruiting nodes - Belorusochka, Klussonovskaya, Kupalinka, Pygmy, Pennant, Fortuna, Glariosa, Sudarushka, Chernavka; long-leaved - Rita, Klussonovskaya, Kupalinka, Chernavka; large-fruited - Mif, Pygmy, Delicacy, Yadrenaya, Tamerlane, Rita. The climatic conditions of the region are not ideal for all introduced varieties, due to the low level of snow cover and provocative thaws in some winters. High winter hardiness, at the level of the control variety Mif, was shown by the varieties Belorusochka, Rita, Sharovidnaya, Sensei, Tamerlane. Inclusion in further breeding work of genotypes that differ in the manifestation of both separate economically valuable traits (Pigmey, Sharovidnaya, Bagira, etc.) and their complex (Rita, Kupalinka, Tamerlane, etc.) will speed up the creation of adapted and highly productive varieties.


Black currant, variety, breeding, introduction, economically valuable trait

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140290053   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-11-61-70

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