The role and importance of internal security services in countering extremism in law enforcement agencies

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Introduction: the article attempts to theoretically, legally and aesthetically analyse the place and services of own (internal) security in the prevention of countering extremism in law enforcement agencies in the legal and managerial reality of modern Russia. The authors reflect the research angles of the function of ensuring security by law enforcement agencies, carry out its additional division into internal and external, substantiate the need for a more detailed study of the internal function of ensuring security, determining its place in the Russian managerial and legal doctrine.Materials and Methods: the methodological basis of the research is dialectical, formal-legal, aesthetic, as well as historical and legal methods, which allowed to identify the features of the functioning of the services of own (internal) security in the prevention of countering extremism in law enforcement agencies.The Results of the Study made it possible to determine that the function of ensuring security by law enforcement agencies within law enforcement agencies themselves, although it has a scientific interpretation, appears to be insufficiently studied and popularized in scientific law enforcement discourse. It is necessary not only to identify criteria for determining the list of government bodies, services and institutions in which law enforcement service is provided, but also to establish the legal status, tasks and functions of internal security units, which, according to the authors, along with other tasks, must perform functions to prevent misdeeds and crimes committed by law enforcement officers in the process of law enforcement in the field of ensuring the security of society and the state, manifestations of extremist and terrorist threats, identify personal deformations of individual employees that cause possible difficulty in performing the designated function.Findings and Conclusions: the anti-extremist and anti-terrorist function of the internal (internal) security services of law enforcement agencies, in our opinion, should consist of increased attention to the activities of law enforcement officers, ensuring both the security of objects (territories) regardless of their category, and in the process of their execution any daily duties. The preventive function of internal (internal) security services should be aimed at instilling in employees a hostility towards extremism and the absence of extremist motivation when performing their main official functions.


Internal security function, internal security, own security, self-security, law enforcement agencies, law enforcement service, law enforcement officers, law enforcement officers

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IDR: 143182337   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.31.95.007

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