Role of innovative small enterprises in modern economy

Автор: Erygina Lilia Viktorovna, Orlova Karina Vladimirovna

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 5 (57), 2014 года.

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Small business corresponds to inquiries practically of all areas of economy of the Russian Federation and meets the requirements of the world economic processes. Small business gives freedom of a business choice and induces the effective organization ofproduction. These qualities of small business do it to one of the main components of market economy. In some countries with the developed market economy the volume ofproduction of small enterprises exceeds a half of gross domestic product. Small business not only makes an essential contribution to gross domestic product, but also influences the general growth of economy. Thanks to small business the competition role in economy raises, market needs for goods and services are more stoutly satisfied, market niches at all levels - from local to regional are filled. Small enterprises give additional workplaces, master local raw material resources, the worthy wage level expands a consumer sector. These factors positively influence the social sphere; defuse social tension, participations in business activity, creation offamily business, realization of creative potential give opportunity. Small business is effective in the consumer sphere, production of details and knots which production the large enterprises consider unprofitable. Efficiency of small enterprises is shown in development of resource-saving technologies, in the sphere of development of software products. Small business is capable to cooperate successfully with the enterprises of the space-rocket industry in programs of conversion. The small innovative enterprises carry out commercialization of the scientific development which isn’t demanding big investments and attraction of essential material, labor and energy resources. The federal Program of the state support of small business in the Russian Federation considers development of small business in the country as one of the major tasks at the state level.


Small business, small innovative enterprises, market economy

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