Role of party education in adaptation of Siberian communists to the Soviet political system (1924-1929)

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The main forms and methods of party education used by the party leadership of Siberia to adapt members and alternate members of RCP(b)-AUCP(b) to the Soviet political system are considered. The activities of the Central and the regional committees to organize party and educational institutions in the Siberia, to publish and distribute party manuals and press have been described. The difficulties encountered by the Communist party have been identified. The course content taught to communists and the results of party and educational institutions activities have been revealed. Conclusions about coadaptation of party leadership and the part of the Siberian society, which consisted of members of the Communist party are drawn. Using a differentiated approach to the party education permitted the party leadership of Siberia to make most of ordinary Communists support the policy of the Central Committee, meeting the interests of the party and soviet elite.


Party manuals, forms and methods of party education, party education, siberian party organization, cибирь, siberia, political adaptation, communist party

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IDR: 147219158

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