The role of legal innovations and environmental expertise in ensuring the safety of hazardous industrial waste management

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The paper is devoted to one of the topical global environmental problems of our time connected with the accumulation of production and consumption waste, especially the most toxic and hazardous industrial waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes. The author presents an analysis of the dynamics and some changes made in recent years to the waste legislation. Taking into account personal participation, the author considers the results of the review of the state environmental expertise of the project of one of the planned industrial facilities in the country for processing of waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes in the Kirov region. Since the plans to locate such facilities affect several Russian regions, the problems reflected in the article may be of interest to ensure the environmental safety of the whole country. Purpose: to analyze the dynamics of changes in the legislation on production and consumption waste, as well as the role of state and public environmental expertise in ensuring the safety of facilities for processing of hazardous industrial waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes. Methods: comparison, description, formal and dialectical logic, legal-dogmatic, interpretation of legal norms. Results and conclusions: the paper shows the ecological danger of poor-quality state environmental expertise, especially when considering objects of high industrial danger. The role of public environmental expertise is noted in cases when its results affect the environmental interests of millions of citizens. Based on the provisions of the environmental legislation, the paper substantiates the inadmissibility and danger of implementation without serious development and adjustment of projects of facilities for processing of waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes, planned in several regions of the country.


Waste legislation, industrial waste, toxic and hazardous waste, processing of waste of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes, state environmental expertise, public environmental expertise, safe hazardous industrial waste management

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IDR: 142237957   |   DOI: 10.33184/pravgos-2023.2.5

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