The role of autophagy and angiogenesis in colorectal cancer

Автор: Kirill V. rachkovsky, Sergey B. vtorushin, Ivan V. stepanov, Sergey S. naumov, Marina V. zavyalova, Sergey G. afanasyev

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Обзоры

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.16, 2017 года.

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The purpose of the study was a review of available data on the role of autophagy and angiogenesis in the development, progression and prognosis of colorectal cancer. Material and methods. Databases searched were Medline, Cochrane Library and Elibrary. Of 340 studies, 48 were used to write a systematic review. Results. To date, there is a variety of prognostic markers used in the study of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer. The review describes the molecular mechanisms of the participation of various proteins of autophagy and angiogenesis in the pathogenesis and progression of colorectal cancer, and the potential importance of their use in clinical practice is presented. Conclusion. Many of the existing markers can be used not only in assessing the prognosis, but also sensitivity to chemotherapy. However, the contradictory results of studies with respect to certain proteins require further study, validation, and subsequent introduction into practice.


Colorectal cancer, autophagy, angiogenesis, prognostic factors

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254155   |   DOI: 10.21294/1814-4861-2017-16-6-86-92

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