The role of systemic approach in forming a culture of safety

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It is stated that the process of training specialists in the field of technosphere safety is connected with the necessity of forming their culture of safety. The safety culture is defined in this paper as part of the overall concept of culture and is based on a system approach. System forming factors of safety culture and safety technospheric culture are identified and formulated. 1. System was defined as a set of related elements banded into a single unit under the influence of system-forming factor. Safety culture is defined as a system of means and methods providing human security in the environment, the preservation of his life, physical and mental health as the most important social values based on the continuity of generations in a changing environment (nature, society, techno sphere). The backbone of safety culture factor is the inner need of man as an individual and as part of society to ensure their safety, the safety of their offspring and society as a whole, provided while the conditions of ecological balance in nature and the techno sphere are provided. 2. The role of systemic approach in forming a culture of safety Currently, the techno sphere acquired hazardous properties beyond the control of human actions. Manageability as an opportunity implementation of sound management dictates the necessity of forming technospheric safety culture. 3. Analysis of the professional activity of graduates (working in the field of technospheric safety) shows that a set of competencies, formed during the course of training, do not provide the desired result - the ability to rule the safety in industrial sphere. Establishment of professionals comes at the end of training course as a result of the accumulation of experience. It is proved that a systematic approach allows us to implement the methodology of stating a specialist in the field of technosphere safety during training activities. It happens on the base of simulating real set of productions in their indissoluble unity. Taking this point of view in account as the aim of training it is necessary to form, in addition to professional skills, the skills necessary for of safety management culture, while educating the students a sense of responsibility for the outcome. Methods of collective games allows the student to feel as one wrong decision gives rise to an avalanche of problems, but the mistake has to correct by the reaction of colleagues under increasing time pressure. All actions providing security are the result of an inner need to do everything «as it should.» But for the organization of such collective gaming is not enough to create a set of individual scenarios, but it is necessary to create system models that simulate the processes together with the corresponding decision-making processes. An example of systematic approach to the process of stating of specialists in railway safety management is presented. This work was supported by the «Russian Foundation for Humanities”, grant project «Methodological basis for the creation of continuous education in the field of health and safety”, № 16-16-59004.


Safety of technosphere, safety culture, system-forming factor, education and training, shaping a culture of safety, systematic approach

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IDR: 14240047   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-2-27-38

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