The role of variety in increasing yields of barley in the forest-steppe of Krasnoyarsk region

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The aim of the research was to identify the extent of influence of varieties on yield of bare-grained and hull-less varieties of barley different ripeness in the forest-steppe of Krasnoyarsk region. Research methods: bookmark and observations were carried out in accordance with the methodology of the State variety testing in 2002-2014. Experiments were made in fourfold recurrence; an area of the plots was 25 m2. Statistical processing was carried out by B.A. Dospekhov with using a software package of D.W. Snedecor. It was found out that six out of nine years of research, productivity mid-ripe grade of barley Acha significantly exceeded this figure early grade Biom and bare-graineds grade Oscar were used as standards. It was found that in a group of early varie-ties of positive contribution to productivity growth placed strains Vulcan during the period 2008-2012 biennium and Abalak during 2011, 2012 biennium. In the Middle-ripening group positive contribution to productivity growth showed Omsk 95 during the pe-riod 2010-2012 biennium, Kedr in the period 2009-2011 and Tatum in the period 2011-2013 bien- nium. Cultivation of modern hull-less sorts of barley makes it possible to receive yield on scarious level. Varieties of Omsk sort Omsk hull-less 1 and Omsk hull-less 2, reliably superior to standard Oscar at 19.0 % and 8.2 % respectively. Identified factors increase yields of barley. The main influence on the yield of barley of various ripeness on the results the multifactorial ANOVA provides variety and the in-teraction of the factors cultivar × year. The share of these factors accounts for 50 % and 36 %, respec-tively.


Spring barley, yield, grade, early-maturing, middle-grade hull-lessvarieties, disper-sion analysis

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IDR: 14084740

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