Role of industrial agglomerations in improving regional economic planning: a case study of Bratsk-Ust-Ilimsk industrial agglomeration

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The article considers industrial agglomeration as an object of national economic planning. We have revealed the role of special-purpose industrial agglomerations in improving regional planning, identified and analyzed their characteristics, based on which substantiated the need to strengthen state planning. Due to special-purpose industrial agglomerations, it became possible to develop natural resources and create large industrial production facilities. The article analyzes the composition of pre-planning and planning documents of industrial agglomeration and their relationship with the country's prospective planning documents. Using the example of Bratsk-Ust-Ilimsk industrial agglomeration, we have considered in detail the structure of industrial agglomeration, as well as the features of the development of production and social infrastructure within industrial agglomerations, creation of new urban agglomerations - single-industry towns. The article presents an analysis of Russian conditions affecting the territorial concentration of industrial agglomeration enterprises.


Industrial agglomeration, bratsk-ust-ilimsk industrial agglomeration, special-purpose industrial agglomeration, regional planning, productive forces, clustering, territorial specialization

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IDR: 148329970   |   DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2024-4-161-169

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