Role of Mobile Agents in the Layered Architecture of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Автор: Bindiya Bhatia, M.K.Soni, Parul Tomar
Журнал: International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS) @ijcnis
Статья в выпуске: 11 vol.7, 2015 года.
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In today's world mobile agents and mobile ad-hoc networks are the two technologies that are contributing towards better connectivity and communicability. When the two technologies used jointly, the interest is increased. Due to the properties like self-configuration and infrastructure-less, the mobile ad-hoc networks provide various remarkable features. But the various challenges are also associated with mobile ad-hoc networks like dynamic topology, mobility, energy constraint etc. Mobile agent provides solution to these challenges. A mobile agent is a new way of computer interactions and provides better options for the developers to create applications based on connectivity. Mobile agents move around the ad-hoc networks in a different and better way than the other widespread client server architecture based applications. Due to their mobility and autonomy these agents can perform various functions in mobile ad-hoc networks like topology discovery, routing, key management, congestion control etc. The paper reviews the role of the mobile agents in the mobile ad-hoc networks, and emphasizes its application on the various layers of a layered architecture of mobile ad-hoc networks and concludes its merits as compared to other conventional approaches.
Mobile ad-hoc networks, mobile agents, routing, key management, topology discovery
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IDR: 15011471
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