Russia and China in the Eurasian space: the ways of the development

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The article is devoted to the problem of the role and place of Russia and China in Eurasian space, the ways of their development. A comparison is conducted on the results of the dynamics of two countries that have chosen different exit strategies from crisis and their subsequent movement. China has begun and it continues building socialism with a market economy, using the principles of managed state strategy, Russia has chosen a neo-liberal strategy of building a market economy. The first country under the leadership of the CPC and socialist state demonstrates a high rate of its development, major achievements in all spheres of life of society, raise of living standards of people. After destroying and annihilating socialism Russia denationalized the existed property and turned out to be in deep crisis, characterizing by ^ fall of industrial and agricultural production, regression in social and cultural spheres, complication of the international situation. As one of radical ways to change the situation, the Russian leadership sees in the greater orientation of its policy to the East Asian direction, to the implementation of the Eurasian concept of its development. Many countries of the Eurasian continent are also interested in it, this approach finds its expression in the formation and development of various forms of their interaction.


The eura-sian space, Russia, china, modernization, reform, cooperation

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IDR: 148317034

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