The Russian plans of strengthening of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in 1746: Polish mission of M. Liewen and M.N. Volkonsky

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In 1746 in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth the next seym (parliament) on which the Polish Royal Court decided to pass the decision on increase in the Polish army limited during Great Northern war had to be called. Strengthening of Prussia was one of the main reasons of emergence of this plan. It threatened with power annexation of the western Polish territories by Berlin. In St. Petersburg where Elizabeth Petrovna’s government was also anxious with growth of power of Prussia, decided to support the Polish plans and to turn Poland into the ally of Russia in anti-Prussian fight. For training of the Polish magnates and to clarification of opportunities of the organization of the pro-Russian party, the Russian emissaries M. Liewen and M.N. Volkonsky were sent to Poland. On return to Russia emissaries reported that, despite fears of Prussia, Poles are not ready to take any steps provoking it, including increase in army. Also emissaries presented candidacies of the magnates capable to be active supporters of Russia. From now on the Russian Court, having refused the idea of strengthening of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, did not lose sight of an internal political situation in Poland any more and supported the influential group of princes Czartoryski’s which was guided by rapprochement with Russia.


Elizabeth petrovna, russian-polish relations, foreign policy of Russia, polish-lithuanian commonwealth

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IDR: 148315423   |   DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2020-2-4-79-92

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